Here you'll find some of the many hand props and other screen used artifacts featured in the Alien
series. This page will always be under construction and hopefully I'll have some more pics to put up soon.
Nostromo Crew Hand Weapon
Unseen film prop created (later appearing in the 2003 Director's cut) for Alien as it appeared in 1979 
As seen today in the Bob Burns collection (photo credit Frank Cerney) 
As seen today 
Nostromo Flame Unit
Prop weapon used for the film (from private collection, photo credit Harry Harris) 
As seen today 
Nostromo Crew Jacket
Narcissus Harpoon Gun
Prop weapon used for the film 
Nostromo Environmental Space Suit
Front view of suit used for the film (from private collection, photo credit Harry Harris) 
Rear view of suit used for the film (from private collection, photo credit Harry Harris) 
Suit used for the film (from Planet Hollywood collection, photo credit Thomas) 
Nostromo Emergency Helmet
Helmet used for the film (from private collection, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Alien Warrior
Suit used for the film (from HR Giger collection) 
Nostromo Set (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Exterior view of the set constructed for the film 
Derelict Eggfield Set (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Interior view of the set constructed for the film 
Prop used for the film (from auction, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Miscellaneous Props
As seen today in the Bob Burns collection 
Colonial Marine Dog Tags
Private Drake's (Mark Rolston)
Acrylic tags made for the film (photo credit Brian Bilyeu) 
Colonial Marine Smartgun Sight
As worn by Smartgunner Privates Vasquez (Jeanette Goldstein) & Drake (Mark Rolston) Smart Gun Sight
Sights constructed by prop master Terry Reed for the film (photo credit Ryan Murray) 
Sight at auction (photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Modeled by Jeanette Goldstein 
Colonial Marine T-Shirt
Private Frost's (Ricco Ross) T-Shirt 
One of several "Peace Through Superior Firepower" t-shirts created for the film (photo credit Ryan Murray) 
As worn by director James Cameron 
Colonial Marine M41-A Pulse Rifle
Studio photograph of prop constructed for the film (right) 
Studio photograph of prop constructed for the film (left) 
Studio photograph of prop constructed for the film (bottom) 
Prop constructed for the film 
Ricco Ross and 10 Hole Vent Hero Pulse Rifle 
Behind-the-scenes shot of Ricco Ross and Jeanette Goldstein with hero weaponry 
"Alpha" Pulse Rifle
Pulse Rifle "Alpha" as it looks today 
Pulse Rifle "Alpha" before restoration 
Pulse Rifle "Alpha" after restoration at Bapty 
"Beta" Pulse Rifle
Pulse Rifle "Beta" as it looks today next to an SD Studios replica (A3 vacuform repaint) 
Left side view of above 
On Display at Comic-Con 2009 
On Display at Comic-Con 2009 
On Display at Comic-Con 2009 
On Display at Comic-Con 2009 
On Display at Comic-Con 2009 
On Display at Comic-Con 2009 
"Gamma" Pulse Rifle
Note: The "Gamma" Pulse Rifle is commonly referred to the "Icons" Rifle
Pulse Rifle "Gamma" as it looks today (A3 vacuform) 
Pulse Rifle "Gamma" at Profiles in History auction 
Pulse Rifle "Gamma" at Sotheby's auction 
Pulse Rifle "Gamma" at Sotheby's auction in 1992 
Pulse Rifle "Gamma" at Profiles in History auction 
Pulse Rifle "Gamma" at Profiles in History auction 
"Delta" Pulse Rifle
Note: The "Delta" Pulse Rifle is commonly referred to as the "Propstore" Pulse Rifle and can be seen featured on their site
Pulse Rifle "Delta" pre-restoration 
Additional view of above 
Pulse Rifle "Delta" as it looks today with "Alpha" 
Additional view of above 
"Epsilon" Pulse Rifle
Pulse Rifle "Epsilon" at auction (Alien 3 vacuform shroud) 
Additional view of above 
Additional view of above 
"Zeta" Pulse Rifle
Note: The "Zeta" Pulse Rifle is commonly referred to the "Lawrence Nathan" or "Technical Manual" Rifle
Pulse Rifle seen in Colonial Marines Technical Manual 
Additional view of above 
Pulse Rifle "Zeta" studio shot 
Additional view of above 
Additional view of above 
"Eta" Pulse Rifle
Note: The "Eta" Pulse Rifle is commonly referred to the "Bent Stock" Rifle
Bent Stock Pulse Rifle "Eta" at Sotheby's auction in 1994 (A3 vacuform shroud) 
Pulse Rifle "Eta" at auction (A3 vacuform) 
Left side of Bent Stock Pulse Rifle "Eta" at Alien War 
Right side of Pulse Rifle "Eta" at Alien War 
Barrel view of "Bent Stock" Pulse Rifle "Eta" at Alien War 
Top of "Bent Stock" Pulse Rifle "Eta" at Alien War 
Bottom of "Bent Stock" Pulse Rifle "Eta" at Alien War 
"Theta" Pulse Rifle
Note: The Pulse Rifle was also on display at Alien War, but does not have a bent stock like Eta
"Theta" photographed at Alien War 
Additional view of above 
Colonial Marine M240 Flamethrower
Prop constructed for the film 
Detailed shot 
Colonial Marine Smart Gun
Prop constructed for the film 
Detailed shot with Stedicam arm (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives) 
Smart Gun modeled by Jeanette Goldstein 
Colonial Marine Motion Tracker
Prop constructed for the film 
Colonial Marine Smart Gun Battery
Prop constructed for the film (photo credit Thomas) 
Colonial Marine Helmet (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Helmet (camera view) 
Helmet (bottom view) 
Helmet (side view) 
Colonial Marine Armor (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Armor constructed by Terry English for Private Frost (Ricco Ross) modeled by a production assistant 
Frost's Armor (side) 
Frost's Armor (back) 
Frost's Armor (leg) 
Apone's Colonial Marine Armor (photo from Planet Hollywood Las Vegas)
Helmet (reproduction) 
Helmet (reproduction) 
Right shoulder (leg) 
Corporal Dwayne Hicks
BDU's used for the film for James Remar before recasting (from private collection, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
BDU's used for the film for Michael Biehn (from auction, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Hicks' Colonial Marine Armor (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Publicity photo of Hicks (Micheal Biehn) 
Hicks' Armor, Pulse Rifle and Headset (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Publicity photo of Michael Biehn as Hicks 
Hicks' Shoulder Lamp (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Publicity photo of Hicks (Micheal Biehn) with active shoulder lamp 
Private Hudson
Publicity photo of Bill Paxton as Hudson
Hudson's Colonial Marine Armor on display at the Terry English booth during Aliens Convention '93 (photo credit Aliens Archive)
BDU set at auction 
BDU set "Hudson" nametape 
Seargant Apone
Apone's Colonial Marine Armor (photo from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Publicity photo of Apone (Al Matthews)
Refurbished Armor on Display at Planet Hollywood
Dropship Uplink Computer
Computer prop 
Computer prop (from Planet Hollywood Paris collection, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Lance Henrickson Chest Rig
Chest harness used in special effects sequence from film (from Planet Hollywood Paris/Disney Village collection, photo credit Lance Rickman) 
Weyland-Yutani Special Projects Director Carter J. Burke
Carter Burke
Shirt and Jacket used for the film for Paul Riser (from auction, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Alien Chestburster
Prop constructed for the film (photo from the Bob Burns collection by Frank Cerney) 
Aliens Queen
Full size head under construction 
Full size and model heads constructed for the film (photo credit Steve Neisen's Alien Archives) 
Full size replica Queen on display at Planet Hollywood London 
Alien Warrior
Creature used for the film on display at Planet Hollywood New York (photo credit Steve Radler) 
Costume head used for the film (photo from the Bob Burns collection) 
Costume head used for the film (photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Costume chest piece used for the film (photo credit Aliens Archive) 
On display at Planet Hollywood London 
Front (photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Back (photo credit Aliens Archive) 
On display at Planet Hollywood 
Concept Sketch (photo credit Steve Neisen) 
Vehicle constructed for the film (front) (photo credit Steve Neisen) 
Vehicle constructed for the film (left) (photo credit Steve Neisen) 
Vehicle constructed for the film (right) (photo credit Steve Neisen) 
APC Concept Art
Early Sketch of possible APC 
Early Sketch of possible APC (top view) 
Dropship Concept Art
Sketch of Dropship (side view) 
Sketch of Dropship Cockpit 
Sketch of Dropship (front view) 
Sketch of Dropship (top view) 
Jordan Family Tractor (photos from Steve Neisen's Alien Archives)
Model constructed for the film (front) 
Model constructed for the film (side) 
LV-426 Colony Vehicle (photo courtesy Andy Tillet)
Model constructed for the film (front) 
Colonial Marine Dropship
Full view as seen today in the Bob Burns collection (photo credit Steve Neisen's Alien Archives) 
Forward view as seen today in the Bob Burns collection (photo credit Steve Neisen's Alien Archives) 
Damaged Dropship (from Planet Hollywood collection, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Dropship Cockpit (from Planet Hollywood Gatwick collection, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Ferro's Dropship Helmet
Pilots helmet prop (photo credit Aliens Archive) 
USCSS Sulaco Floor Tile
Plastic floor tile seen in the Dropship Bay 
Gateway Station Shuttle
Small craft briefly seen outside Gateway Station 
Alien Warrior (Aliens)
Rod puppet for the film (from HR Giger collection) 
Contact Sheet (Aliens)
A contact sheet of various items from the film 
Alien 3
M41-A Pulse Rifle
Prop repainted black for the film 
Prop at auction (photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Commando Suit
Company Commando Pants (from Planet Hollywood Gatwick collection, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Commando Suit (from auction, photo credit Aliens Archive) 
Alien 3 Warrior
Creature used for the film (photo from the Planet Hollywood collection by Thomas) 
Alien 3 Warrior Maquette
Creature used for the film 
Flare Box
Prop used for the film 
EEV (photo credit Halcyon) 
EEV (photo credit Halcyon) 
EEV (photo credit Halcyon) 
EEV (photo credit Halcyon) 
EEV (photo credit Halcyon) 
Alien Resurrection
Handgun (photo credit Thomas) 
Shotgun 1 
Shotgun 2 
Thermos Gun 
Picture 1 
Picture 2 
Picture 3 
Picture 4 
Picture 5 
Picture 6 
Picture 7 
Picture 8 
Picture 9 
Picture 10 
Picture 11 
Various Alien Resurrection Weaponry
Various Guns & Rifles (photo credit Thomas) 
United Systems Military (USM)
Soldier Sidearm 
Uniform Patch 
Rear view 
Forward view 
Full left view 
Barrel area 
Trigger area 
Full right view 
Illuminated forward view 
Betty Model
Pic 1 (from Fox collection, photo credit R. Kerton) 
Pic 2 (from Fox collection, photo credit R. Kerton) 
Pic 3 (from Fox collection, photo credit R. Kerton) 
Pic 4 (from Fox collection, photo credit R. Kerton) 
Pic 5 (from Fox collection, photo credit R. Kerton) 
Pic 6 (from Fox collection, photo credit R. Kerton) 
Pic 7 (from Fox collection, photo credit R. Kerton) 
Alien vs. Predator